Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prebiotic Supplements

Prebiotic Supplements
Prebiotic supplements are your best choice for any problems or disorders in your digestive system. While there’s many products on the market to help deal with symptoms like constipation and heartburn, only masking the symptoms with short-term relief. Prebiotics, given enough time to re-balance your system may help cure many of them.
Prebiotics are foods that support probiotics that is the beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This is the best, natural way to achieve good digestive health. By adding more good bacteria you will improve your immune system and help your liver to function better thus further protecting yourself from viruses, dangerous toxins and cancer causing cells.
Other Foods That Have Prebiotics:
  • whole grains
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • certain fats
  • herbs
  • spices
  • red wine
  • dark chocolate

Fiber is the best known prebiotic. It’s a carbohydrate like sugar and starch and is found in all foods of plant origin like grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Even though fiber passes right through our digestion track without being broken down, it has a valuable function as a prebiotic that supports the probiotic microbes in our gut.

Benefits of Prebiotics:
Prebiotics work to feed probiotics helping to create an environment in our digestion system that is condusive in creating friendly bacteria which do not harm our body but rather protect it from harmful bacteria that can invade intestinal wall cells and cause infection, even polyps which are precursors to colon cancer.

High claims about probiotic supplements in foods such as yogurt products have helped to skyrocket this industry but the European Food Safety Authority have rejected most of these claims saying they could not be substantiated.
People who are not getting the results they were expecting from taking probiotics are looking at increasing their prebiotic intake to maximize their benefits.

Prebiotics + Probiotics = Synbiotics

To get the full benefits of probiotics, they are combined with prebiotics which creates something called a symbiotic. Some research has shown this can help to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Synbiotics are known to help in the healing time with people that have had serious injuries or surgery and have reduced the risk of things like blood infections and pneumonia.

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